Cilt: 17 Sayı: 1, 30.06.2023

Yıl: 2023


Kitap Eleştirileri

Çankaya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences beşeri ve sosyal bilimler alanında ulusal ve uluslararası düzeyde yapılan akademik çalışmaları yayımlayan açık erişimli hakemli bir dergidir. Derginin yayın dili İngilizcedir, Haziran ve Aralık olmak üzere yılda iki kere yayımlanır. Edebiyat incelemeleri, karşılaştırmalı edebiyat, kuram çalışmaları, çeviri ve kültür çalışmaları, dilbilim ve yabancı dil eğitimi alanlarını kapsayan disiplinlerarası çalışmalara yer verir. Kapsamını oluşturan konularda uygulamalı ve/veya kuramsal araştırmaların daha geniş bir akademik çevrede tartışılmasını kolaylaştırmayı ve bunları bilim insanlarına ve kamuoyuna duyurmayı amaçlar. Beşeri ve sosyal bilimlerin ilgili alanlarındaki yeni bakış açılarını akademik çevreye yaymak derginin hedefleri arasındadır.

Dergi, Ulakbim TR Dizin, MLA International Bibliography, MLA Directory of Periodicals, ERIH PLUS, Index Copernicus, EBSCO, Sobiad ve MIAR tarafından taranmaktadır. 

Çankaya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, daha önce başka bir yerde basılmamış özgün eserlere yer verir ve edebiyat incelemeleri, karşılaştırmalı edebiyat, kuram çalışmaları, çeviri ve kültür çalışmaları, dilbilim ve yabancı dil eğitimi alanlarını kapsayan disiplinlerarası İngilizce yazılmış makale başvurularını kabul eder. Dergiye gelen tüm eserler benzerlik indeksi açısından iThenticate programı ile incelenmektedir.

Dergide yayımlanan eserler Creative Commons Alıntı-GayriTicari-Türetilemez 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı (CC BY-NC-ND) ile lisanslanmıştır.

Çankaya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, İngilizce yazılmış özgün eserlere yer verir. Makaleler Word dosyası olarak sisteme yüklenmelidir (Times New Roman, 12 punto ile yazılmış isimsiz kopya). 

Dergiye gönderilecek makaleler 5500-8000 kelime sınırında olmalıdır. İngilizce ve Türkçe Öz/abstract 150-200 kelime sınırında olmalı ve en az beş anahtar kelime/keywords içermelidir.

Dergiye gönderilen makalelerin referans sistemi, dipnot gösterme biçimi ve kaynakça düzenlenmesi APA (7th Edition) stilinde hazırlanmalıdır. (

Hiçbir aşamada veya amaçla ücret talep edilmez. Dergide yayımlanan eserler Creative Commons Alıntı-GayriTicari-Türetilemez 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.

Ayrıca uyulması gereken etik kurallar ve derginin yayın politikası aşağıda listelenmiştir:

Publishing Policies and Ethical Rule
Çankaya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (CUJHSS, ISSN: 1309-6761) is an open access, double-blind peer reviewed international journal and publishes original scholarly articles, review articles, research notes, and book reviews. It accepts manuscript submissions in English. No publication fee is charged at any stage. • The Journal publishes interdisciplinary works at the intersection of literary studies, comparative literature, cultural studies and theory, language and linguistics, translation studies, foreign language education and translator education that fall within its scope. • Manuscripts submitted to the Journal should not be previously published or under review elsewhere. Submissions should be the original work of their authors and should contribute to the literature. The content and language of manuscripts and any legal liabilities are under the sole responsibility of their authors. No royalties are paid to authors. • The Journal commits to the internationally accepted principles of publication ethics expressed in the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE; Reviewers, readers, and authors who submit manuscripts should comply with the evaluation and review procedures set out by the Committee on Publication Ethics. The whole publication process is bounded by the provisions set out by the Committee on Publication Ethics along with the Interuniversity Board Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive. All manuscripts sent for publication should meet academic writing conventions and publication ethics. Scientific and ethical rules must be adhered to in the design, preparation, production stages of the manuscript and in the analyses of data and use of materials. • The author(s) warrant that the Article is original and has not been submitted to any other journal to be published or has not been published before, and that the Article is not in violation of any right of privacy, common law, statutory copyright, or other personal or property rights. Sources that contribute to an understanding of the research findings should be cited properly. For all references to quotations from and for the ideas and concepts taken from other sources, proper citation conventions specified in the Journal guidelines (APA Style 7th Edition) should be used. The author(s) warrant that there is no conflict of interest to disclose. • Manuscripts that do not adhere to publication ethics and/or citation conventions or display any form of plagiarism are rejected. The publication of any submitted manuscript is at the discretion of the Editorial Board. • If the study requires research on animals, clinical studies on humans and/or human subjects, data collection from the participants by using survey, interview, focus group work, observation, experiment, interview techniques, etc. the authors are required to obtain institutional ethics committee approval. Authors should provide a clear statement explaining that necessary consent has been obtained from human subjects and that the rights of participants are respected. • All submissions are examined first by the Editorial Board, and the anonymous manuscripts which meet the standards for a given discipline and the principles of COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines are sent to at least two referees for their evaluation of format and content. If the referees ask for revisions in the manuscript, the manuscript is sent back to its author. The author is responsible for the timely completion of revisions and sending the revised manuscript to the Journal. When necessary, the revised manuscript is re-evaluated by the referees. • The editors, readers, reviewers, and manuscript authors are to adhere to ethical standards, rules and regulations and take any reasonable steps to prevent their violations. Referees and editors are entitled to evaluate the manuscript in a detailed and fair manner, and are expected to comply with scientific publication conventions and be objective in their decision. Referees should reject the invitation and inform the Editorial Board in cases which might risk the objectivity of their evaluation such as conflict of interests, prejudice or beliefs that might affect the objectivity of their decision, or if they think the scope of the work does not fall within their area of expertise. Confidentiality is crucial; and referees should pay utmost importance to this in review, revision and publication procedures. • The author(s) accept that the Article is distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND). The Journal’s rights include but are not limited to the following: (1) to publish the Article in any media, whether paper or electronic, free of charge; (2) to license others to create abstracts of the Article and to index the Article. The author(s) retain the rights (1) to publish the Article, or permit its publication, as a part of any book the author(s) may write or contribute with chapters provided that this publication is acknowledged properly; (2) to reproduce the article for their own purposes provided the copies are not offered for sale; (3) to use, free of charge, all or some parts of the article in their lectures, classroom teaching, etc. Provided that it is partially or fully published, the author(s) also grant that any kind of permission has been taken for the Article to be published in the Journal. If authors use any material (photograph, drawing, etc.) from other sources under copyright, they are responsible for getting the copyrights. • Statements of fact and opinion in the articles submitted are those of the respective authors and not of the Editors of Çankaya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences

Publishing Policies and Ethical Rule
Çankaya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (CUJHSS, ISSN: 1309-6761) is an open access, double-blind peer reviewed international journal and publishes original scholarly articles, review articles, research notes, and book reviews. It accepts manuscript submissions in English. No publication fee is charged at any stage. • The Journal publishes interdisciplinary works at the intersection of literary studies, comparative literature, cultural studies and theory, language and linguistics, translation studies, foreign language education and translator education that fall within its scope. • Manuscripts submitted to the Journal should not be previously published or under review elsewhere. Submissions should be the original work of their authors and should contribute to the literature. The content and language of manuscripts and any legal liabilities are under the sole responsibility of their authors. No royalties are paid to authors. • The Journal commits to the internationally accepted principles of publication ethics expressed in the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE; Reviewers, readers, and authors who submit manuscripts should comply with the evaluation and review procedures set out by the Committee on Publication Ethics. The whole publication process is bounded by the provisions set out by the Committee on Publication Ethics along with the Interuniversity Board Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive. All manuscripts sent for publication should meet academic writing conventions and publication ethics. Scientific and ethical rules must be adhered to in the design, preparation, production stages of the manuscript and in the analyses of data and use of materials. • The author(s) warrant that the Article is original and has not been submitted to any other journal to be published or has not been published before, and that the Article is not in violation of any right of privacy, common law, statutory copyright, or other personal or property rights. Sources that contribute to an understanding of the research findings should be cited properly. For all references to quotations from and for the ideas and concepts taken from other sources, proper citation conventions specified in the Journal guidelines (APA Style 7th Edition) should be used. The author(s) warrant that there is no conflict of interest to disclose. • Manuscripts that do not adhere to publication ethics and/or citation conventions or display any form of plagiarism are rejected. The publication of any submitted manuscript is at the discretion of the Editorial Board. • If the study requires research on animals, clinical studies on humans and/or human subjects, data collection from the participants by using survey, interview, focus group work, observation, experiment, interview techniques, etc. the authors are required to obtain institutional ethics committee approval. Authors should provide a clear statement explaining that necessary consent has been obtained from human subjects and that the rights of participants are respected. • All submissions are examined first by the Editorial Board, and the anonymous manuscripts which meet the standards for a given discipline and the principles of COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines are sent to at least two referees for their evaluation of format and content. If the referees ask for revisions in the manuscript, the manuscript is sent back to its author. The author is responsible for the timely completion of revisions and sending the revised manuscript to the Journal. When necessary, the revised manuscript is re-evaluated by the referees. • The editors, readers, reviewers, and manuscript authors are to adhere to ethical standards, rules and regulations and take any reasonable steps to prevent their violations. Referees and editors are entitled to evaluate the manuscript in a detailed and fair manner, and are expected to comply with scientific publication conventions and be objective in their decision. Referees should reject the invitation and inform the Editorial Board in cases which might risk the objectivity of their evaluation such as conflict of interests, prejudice or beliefs that might affect the objectivity of their decision, or if they think the scope of the work does not fall within their area of expertise. Confidentiality is crucial; and referees should pay utmost importance to this in review, revision and publication procedures. • The author(s) accept that the Article is distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND). The Journal’s rights include but are not limited to the following: (1) to publish the Article in any media, whether paper or electronic, free of charge; (2) to license others to create abstracts of the Article and to index the Article. The author(s) retain the rights (1) to publish the Article, or permit its publication, as a part of any book the author(s) may write or contribute with chapters provided that this publication is acknowledged properly; (2) to reproduce the article for their own purposes provided the copies are not offered for sale; (3) to use, free of charge, all or some parts of the article in their lectures, classroom teaching, etc. Provided that it is partially or fully published, the author(s) also grant that any kind of permission has been taken for the Article to be published in the Journal. If authors use any material (photograph, drawing, etc.) from other sources under copyright, they are responsible for getting the copyrights. • Statements of fact and opinion in the articles submitted are those of the respective authors and not of the Editors of Çankaya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences

No fee is charged at any stage/hiçbir aşamada veya amaçla ücret talep edilmez (Articles published are distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License CC BY-NC-ND)

Çankaya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
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Çankaya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Dergisi ulusal ve uluslararası
araştırma ve derleme makalelerini yayımlayan uluslararası süreli bir yayındır. Yılda iki
kez elektronik olarak yayımlanır (Haziran ve Aralık). Derginin yayın dili İngilizcedir.
CUJHSS, ISSN 1309-6761